Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here's your sign!

I think it was Bill Engvall that started the saying - but it sure applies a lot of time. When you take 8 pills a day - and these aren't the ones I take for anxiety - these are the ones that keep me going all day. Now that does include some I have to take twice a day like - my Amitiza (I'd tell ya what it's for but, Dave would say WOA TMI (too much information) and my Metoprolol - which is for my heart. Anyway I was sitting and putting some scripts (see how cool I sound writing scripts) I had filled into a pill container that has the days of the week and if it's AM or PM. Anyway as I am doing this I think to myself - self are you getting old. I mean so many pills just to keep going on through the day

wait for it....here it comes.....Here's Your Sign!

Now in all fairness to me I have to say I asked the doctor about starting to wean off some of this stuff and he told me research shows (kathie Janes would be so proud - inside joke for Shan) I should be on these meds for 2 years.

Shan and the kids went for hair cuts today (all of them - before you ask that dumb question). Emily rode with me and I don't know how we got on the subject of age..oh I know she asked me if she still looked 5. I told her NO she looks at least 22. She said really 22 cool! Well, then we start to talk about my age I tell her I am 60 and she says in kinda of small voice I have a grandmother that is 60??? She sounded a little disappointed to find out I was so old. Then we talked about marriage and getting a house. She wants her house to have stairs. I asked her if she was going to get married and how many children did she want to have. First she said 1. I said only 1 child. Then she no, maybe none at all - just a house with stairs. I truly wish everyone that reads my blog was able to interact with Emily on a regular bases. She is a joy to be around. She truly is going on 22. I don't think I have ever heard a child of her age with the amount of vocabulary she has, and her facial expressions and body movements when she talks are so cute it almost makes ya want to slap your momma - I don't know where they came from. I think it's Junior's influence on me! And don't get me started on my Tyler. What a handsome young man he has become. He's lost the cute little boy look and now is a tall handsome young man! He has not change from when he was young though. He is still sensitive, caring, and loving. Not many 13 year olds would kiss there grandmother in public or just walk up to ya and put an arm around you. He seems to sense things. When I am feeling kinda low, but haven't told anyone - some how he knows and will come up and ask - need a hug. I say always from you! And when ever I take them some where like the water park he always thanks me for taking them. What a fine young man he is and I am soooo proud of them both - just in case you couldn't tell! So I will take my sign and slink off into the night thinking - I am not old - because taking a few pills on a temporary basis does NOT make you old. It is great to have family to love and that love you! What a wonderful world. There is song by that title. I think Louie Armstrong sang it. - with skies of blue and grass of green bright yellow somethings. And I say to myself what a wonderful world. Oh Yeah!!!

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