Sunday, July 20, 2008

It doesn't seem to end

I just found out my best friend's daughter has lost her mother-in-law. She suffered with what all the doctors said was indigestion. Until she could stand it no more and insisted on a scope. Well guess what, it was not indigestion at all. Her stomach was full of cancer. She found this out the beginning of the summer and now she is gone. I think that is the part that aggravates me the most. Doctors tend to put people off and take the the easiest cause and treat it. When that didn't work they changed her medicine. When that didn't work they changed her medicine again. When that didn't work she insisted on a scope to see what the heck was going on. This had gone on for a YEAR! They do the scope and low and behold we are so sorry - you have stomach cancer - very advanced and there is nothing we can do. Had it been caught earlier we may have been able to do something. The lady doctored for a year! Had you known earlier???? Give me a break. I know doctors are humans, but to go on with this for a year is just plain ridiculous! I am going to become very proactive in my health care. I have something wrong and you give me a pill and it doesn't work, guess what folks we're not trying another pill we're going on to what the next possible cause for my problem is! I went through this with my grandmother. She doctored for a year with what they told her was a uterine infection. WRONG - she had colon cancer that perforated her uterus and had to have a colostomy bag. She lasted about 2 years! This is the kind of stuff that boils my blood! Please, Please, do not let your doctor take the easy way out. You insist on finding the cause of your problem. If your doctor doesn't agree with what you want to do find another doctor, that one is not looking out for your best interest! Lord, I ask thee - give me strength.

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