Friday, July 18, 2008

A very sad day

I found out this afternoon that a lady I work with at school lost her husband this morning. I just saw them in church on Sunday and now he is gone. He had a massive stroke on Tuesday. I am going over to her house later today. You would think having gone through this myself a year ago I would know what to say and how to help her. Wrong. I have no idea. Every death is different. I can't say I've walked in her shoes because I haven't. My husband's death was very different from hers. So I will go to her house, hug her, and cry with her. I took my State Boards for CNA today and was pretty bummed because I blew the skills part of the test. The written part I aced. I made a 100 no question in my mind. The skills part I did all the skills correctly, but missed the basics - washing my hands and wearing gloves. How stupid can ya get. However, since hearing about Penny's husband it's not that big a deal. It's a simple test that really does not change my life one way or the other. So if I passed I did and if I didn't - oh well - I'll retake the skills part. Penny can never get her husband back and that far out weighs anything so trivial as a silly skills test.

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