Sunday, June 29, 2008

Things that make you miss your husband, but make you glad for great family

On Friday night Shan was mowing the lawn - yes, Shan does the mowing - says she likes it. Anyway I decided, after I moved my car, to walk around the house and make sure there were no twigs or things to pick up. Only to discover that my sewage pipe had a huge hole in it, really the whole top of the pipe was missing, and all the junk was flowing out the top and running under my trailer. I go get Dave to see what we can do about and after several different things Junior comes out to see what the heck we are doing going back forth between his shed and the pasture. When we give him to the low down he jumps on the four-wheeler and goes off to find a hundred foot snake thing to see if there is a clog. Person with snake not home so off he goes first thing Saturday morning. Dave has left for his conference in San Antonio so poor Junior is on his own with this one. Comes back with the snake and we begin. The snake comes all the way to where the top of the pipe is missing with not problem. So - no clog, just lazy water taking the easiest way out, which happens to be the missing top of the pipe. Now Shan and her mom happen to be in Texarkana shopping so we call them and Junior tells them what we need to fix this thing and will they get it and bring it home. They do. Junior comes over first thing today (Sunday) and begins the job. First cutting out the old broken pipe to add a coupler, new pipe and another coupler. Unfortunately it turns out the couplers are too big. So we will have to wait until tomorrow so we can get the right size uptown when the hardware store here opens. No one wants to make another trip to Texarkana with gas prices so high. So a small inconvenience for a little while. I miss Jerry all the time, but at times like this he would have been the one to fix it and I wouldn't feel like I need to depend on my family for everything. But, that is the reality of the situation - so be it. I am grateful my family is so close that helping me with this kind of thing is just a matter of walking a few steps and not having to drive some where to help me. That really makes life easier. Junior has been my hero many times. Two of the most memorable are the day Jerry died - don't know what I would have done without him, and today with this pipe thing. Dave is in San Antonio for the week so Junior has once again come to my aid. Thank you, Junior, and I love you. Never take your family for granted, always tell them you love them, and never forget to say THANK YOU.

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